Course and training “Service tenders: business development and project offer writing” will be held on December 4th to December 6th at Forum, organized by Assortis.
Training Program for persons responsible for buildings energy certification, organized by Croatian Chamber of Architects, will be held on November 13th at Forum.
One day conference „Zagreb – financial center“ will be held on November 31st at Forum and will provide an answer to a question “Can Zagreb be the mini financial center of this part of the region?
HGKtech, conference about industry transformation by digitalization and technology organized by Croatian Chamber of Commerce, will be held on October 24th and 25th at Forum.
Workshop with ArchiCAD basics about Building Information Model for architects and all interested in BIM solutions will be held on November 3rd, 4th, 10th and 11th in Forum.
ArchiCAD tečaj za napredne korisnike, na kojem će biti obrađene teme izračuna količina za troškovnik, održava se 27. listopada u Forumu, u organizaciji 3D Art.
Seminar “The basics of investing into cryptocurrencies” about the best ways of investing in popular digital currencies will be held on October 21st in Forum.
MBA Croatia is organizing round table entitled “Cryptocurrency and Business” on October 17th in Forum. Main subjects are how does Blockchain technology work and what does it mean to posses one Bitcoin.
We are proud to announce Master Zhang’s return to Forum from October 23rd to October 25th where he is going to organize a workshop and teach Tai Chi, Tao, Calligraphy and I Ching!
Seminar about definition of annual interview with an employee and the role of manager, employee and HR person in the whole process, will be held on October 18th in Forum.
Reserve in time a business event, private gathering, Christmas celebrations, family reunion, or sharing Santa Claus gifts because Christmas is fast approaching!
FORUM Zagreb Congress Centre
RORAIMA 5 d.o.o. OIB 31324250496 / MB 2743396
ID HR-B-01-31324250496
Radnička cesta 50 - centar Green Gold
10000 Zagreb
Tel: +385 1 286-7777
Fax: +385 1 286-7770